The CNPq/AEB/MCTI 559973/2010-1 Project aims for training and capacity building of human resources and aggregation of experts, which may contribute to the verification and validation of software systems used in the development and technological innovation of Brazilian spacecrafts, particularly in satellite launchers.
Dependability techniques, such as SFTA (Software Fault tree Analysis) and SFMECA (Software Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis), and V&V techniques, as Statechart-Assertions and Model-Checking, were applied in a case study based on the software project of the Brazilian Satellite Launch Vehicle (VLS-1).
The VLS-1 is a rocket of four stages whose mission is to put into low orbits (with inclination of approximately 400 km of altitude) a payload (satellite) with mass above 400 kg, in a range of inclination from 0 to 100 degrees, to be launched from the Alcântara Launch Center, in Maranhão.