Researches (see profile in Researchers > Participants)

Carlos H N Lahoz

Miriam C B Alves

Martha A D Abdala

Granted Students

Elmer Dotti

Master degree in aeronautical and mechanical engineering, in the production area, by Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica-ITA and graduated in data processing, from Fatec-Unesp.
Researcher of the operational research area, with particular interest in DEA and approximate dynamic programming.

Extracted from Lattes/CNPQ

Fernando Garcia Nicodemos

Graduated in electrical engineering with emphasis on telecommunications by Faculdade de Engenharia Industrial-FEI and master degree in electronic and computing engineering, area of ​​electronic devices and systems, at Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica-ITA.
Doctorate student by ITA in the program of aeronautical and mechanical engineering, area of ​​aerospace systems and mechatronics.

Extracted from Lattes/CNPQ

Luciene Bianca Alves

Graduated in mathematics by Universidade Estadual Paulista-UNESP. Master degree, with emphasis in operational research, in the production area, from the department of aeronautical and mechanical engineering at Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica-ITA.
Currently, completing doctorate in the same field and same institution, with research focused on the technique of data envelopment analysis.

Extracted from Lattes/CNPQ

Julio Antonio do Amaral

Bachelor in computer science by Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, master degree in electronic and computing engineering by Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica-ITA, São José dos Campos in the areas of signal processing, artificial intelligence and mathematical theory of computation.
Doctorated degree in the aera of ​​mechatronics and dynamics of aerospace systems at ITA.

Extracted from Lattes/CNPQ

Christian Bisacchi Devezas

Currently, postgraduation student in web engineering at Universidade SENAC. Graduated in computer science at Universidade Paulista-UNIP.
Supply software services in computer graphics and websites development. Teaches classes of websites development at Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial-SENAC.

Extracted from Lattes/CNPQ

Marize Corrêa Simões

Bachelor in computer science by Centro Universitário Salesiano in São Paulo, Lorena.
Master degree in applied computing by Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais-INPE.

Extracted from Lattes/CNPQ