Alves, Miriam C. B.; Leal, C. F.; “Towards A Formal Software Development in a Concurrent Engineering Environment: A Space System Case,” Book section: Concurrent Engineering Approaches for Sustainable Product Development in a Multi-Disciplinary Environment. Editors: Stjepandic, Josip, Rock, Georg and Bil, Cees, ISBN 978-1-4471 -4425-0, Springer London, 2013, pp. 1105-1116. DOI:10.1007/978-1-4471-4426-7_93


Lahoz, C. H. N.; Alves, L. B.; Abdala, M. A. D.; “Dependability Techniques Applied in a Case Study of Space Software”, 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Oct. 2012

Alves, Miriam C. B.; Vijaykumar, N. L.; “V&V Activities within Two Brazilian Space Research Institutes”, NASA IV&V Workshop Morgantown, Sept. 2012.

Lahoz, C. H. N.; Romani, M. A. S.; Yano, E. T.; “Dependability Attributes for Space Computer Systems: Quality Factors Approach”, In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Space Operations, em Stockholm, Jun. 2012.

Lahoz, C. H. N.; M. C. B. Alves; Abdala, M. A. D., Alves, L. B.; “Verificação e Validação de Software para Projetos Espaciais” 6º Seminário de Projetos de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Veículos Espaciais e Tecnologias Associadas & Workshop Tendências Futuras para Veículos Lançadores, São Jose dos Campos, Aug. 2012.

Alves, Miriam C. B.; D. Drusinsky; J. B. Michael and M-T Shing; “Endto-End Formal Specification, Validation and Verification Process: A Case Study of Space Flight Software, ”Systems Journal, IEEE”, Vol: PP, Issue: 99, Nov. 2012. D.O.I: 10.1109/JSYST.2012.2220591


Nicodemos, F. G. ; Lahoz, C. H. N.; Abdala, M. A. D.; Osamu S.; “Using Combined SFTA and SFMECA Techniques for Space Critical Software”. In Proceedings of the 5th IAASS Conference A Safer Space for Safer World, by Ouwehand, L. ISBN:978-92-9092-263-6. Versalles, Sept. 2012, id.12.

Lahoz, C. H. N.; Alves, Miriam C. B.; “Verificação e Validação de Software para Projetos Espaciais” 5º Seminário de Projetos de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Veículos Espaciais e Tecnologias Associas & Workshop Tendências Futuras para Veículos Lancadores, São José dos Campos, Mar. 2011

Dotti, Elmer; Lahoz, Carlos H. N.; “The Dependability Approach for the New Version of VLS On Board Software” In: Latin – American Symposium on Dependable Computing, (LADC), São José dos Campos. Apr. 2011. V. Suplemental. CD, On-line. Disponível em: http://urlib.net/8JMKD3MGP8W/39G2FCP

Lahoz, C. H. N.; Camargo Junior, J. B.; “Elicere: A Process for Software Reliability Assessment for Critical Computer Systems” Fourth IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation; Fraunhofer FOKUS and TU, Berlin, Mar. 2011.

Alves, Miriam C. B.; Beylin, K.; Drusinsky, D.; Michael, J.B.; Shing, M-T.; “Applying UML-based Formal Specification, Validation, and Verification to Space Flight Software and Defense Software” Monterey, Feb. 2011.

Alves, Miriam C. B.; Drusinsky, D.; Michael, J.B.; Shing, M-T.; “Formal validation and verification of space flight software using statechart-assertions and runtime execution monitoring”, in Proceedings. 6th IEEE International. Conference on System of Systems Engineering, Albuquerque, NM, 27-30 Jun. 2011, pp. 155 – 160

Chapter of the book Practical UML-based Specification, Validation, and Verification of Mission-critical Software: “Space Exploration and Defense Software Examples in Practice”, D. Drusinsky, 2011. ISBN: 978-145750-494-5 (To be published)

Alves, Miriam C. B.; D. Drusinsky, M-T. Shing; “A Practical Formal Approach for Requirements Validation and Verification of Dependable Systems”, in Proc. 2011 IEEE Fifth Latin-American Symp. on Dependable Computing Workshops (LADCW), pp.47-51, 25-29 Apr. 2011. DOI: 10.1109/LADCW.2011.14.