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VS-40 is a two-stage rocket that is stabilized aerodynamically. The first stage and second stages carry 4,200 kg and 810 kg of solid propellant, respectively. It is capable of carrying a 500 kg payload to 640 km, providing about 12 minutes of microgravity. It consists of the third and fourth stages of the Brazilian Satellite Launcher Vehicle (VLS-1), under development by IAE. Initially VS-40 was developed to test under vacuum conditions VLS-1 fourth stage, the S44 engine, made of composite material. So far, two VS-40 were launched from Brazil (1993 and 1998) and another from Norway (2012), carrying the Shefex 2 payload. The fourth VS-40 flight is expected to occur soon, carrying SARA´s 300 kg payload to an apogee of 189 km. For this flight the S44 motor will carry inert propellant.

VS-40 - General characteristics:
Motor S40 S44
Lenght (mm) 5,680 1,710
External Diameter (mm) 1,007 1,009
Propellant Mass (kg) 4,244 810
Structural Mass 1,1194 156
Average thrust in vacuum (kN) 254 -
Burning time (s) 37 58
Action time (s) 50 62
Specific Impulse in vacuum (N.s/kg) 2,642 2,770
Total Impulse in vacuum 11,400 2,250



VS-40 PT-01 - "Operation Santa Maria" - 04/02/1993 - Flight Qualification for the S44 engine. 760s in micro-gravity conditions.

  • Payload:Reentry Satellite
  • Payload mass: 197 kg
  • Apogee: 250 km
  • Range: 200 km
  • Time of microgravity: 300s
  • Launch Center: Alcantara, MA, Brazil (CLA)
  • Impact point: Atlantic Ocean


VS-40 PT-02 - "Operation Livramento" - 03/21/1998 - payload VAP-1 (Fokker).

  • Payload:VAP-1 (Fokker)
  • Payload mass: kg
  • Apogee: 250 km
  • Range: 200 km
  • Time of microgravity: 300s
  • Launch Center: Alcantara, MA, Brazil (CLA)
  • Impact point: Atlantic Ocean


VS-40M / SHEFEX II - 22/06/2012 - payload SHEFEX (Sharp Edge Flight Experiment) II.

  • Payload: SHEFEX 2
  • Payload mass: 707.9kg (incl. Motor adapter and fairing)
  • Apogee:176 km
  • Range: 800 km
  • Reentry Mach number: 11
  • Launch Center:ARR (Andoya Rocket Range)
  • Impact point: Atlantic Ocean, off the shore of Svalbard



40M / V03 - under development - SARA (Satellite Atmospheric Reentry)

  • Payload: SARA (Atmospheric Reentry Satellite)
  • Payload mass:300 kg
  • Apogee:189 km
  • Range: 298 km
  • Time of microgravity: 300s
  • Launch Center:Natal, RN, Brazil (CLBI - Launch Center Barreira do Inferno)
  • Impact point: Atlantic Ocean
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